USA Today: Abolish the POTUS!

We’ve seen it: the belligerent typo-ridden tweets; the fawning press conferences with autocrats and overlords; the self-described Nazis on parade praising an American president’s name. We have seen it with our own eyes. There is a bloated authoritarian lounging in his bathrobe in a 200-year-old mansion that used to symbolize the principal republic of the… Continue reading

Column: Vulgarians Against Trump

As an F-bomb enthusiast ”” aficionado ”” practitioner, I take great exception to Republican Party id and front-runner Donald Trump being derisively called a vulgarian. Most recently failed heir apparent Jeb Bush called him “divisive and vulgar.” Now hold on! First: it’s offensive to vulgarians to be associated with someone as tacky as Trump. Second:… Continue reading

Column: Quitting the GOP

John-William Schiffbauer is what Republicans, at least on paper, say they want their party to look more like. He’s 31 years old (a coveted millennial) socially liberal, fiscally conservative and not totally white. “My grandmother was from Japan,” he says. He’s a New York City playwright who’s into cool whiskey bars and heated policy debates…. Continue reading

Column: The Hillary Paradox

In 1992, Hillary Clinton was derided as an extreme feminazi vying for all the power the White House could offer her as First Lady: A power-hungry Machiavellian candidate’s wife. A reporter from Columbus, Ohio famously asked her, “You know, some people think of you as an inspiring female attorney mother, and other people think of… Continue reading

Column: Black Presidents Matter

President Obama is a radical socialist” as evident by none of his policies or anything he’s ever said. He’s a radical because his opponents call him a radical. They dubbed his signature market-based health care law a government takeover of health care. It’s not. It’s RomneyCare, the most milquetoast of all the Cares. Still Congress… Continue reading

Column: Hate-Watching the Election

“I love Bernie! I’ve donated to his campaign! He’s great!” my super conservative Beltway establishment Republican friend says. “Feel the Bern!!” He texts me with a snicker during all of the Dem debates. The night of the Iowa Caucus I retaliated, texting, “Cruz!! I’m so happy!” I knew that’d make him cringe. My conservative buddy… Continue reading