Wisconsin Going Forward

Wisconsin adopted “Forward” as their state motto in 1851. Sculptor Jean Pond Miner was commissioned to create a representation of her home state and in 1893 created a seven-foot tall bronze statue of a female figure bearing the state’s maxim. The Wisconsin Historical Society notes, “Forward is an allegory of devotion and progress, qualities Miner… Continue reading

Christianity Has Evolved Too

Christians were not always opposed to evolution – mainly because Christianity has progressed and made slow, significant changes over time. Darwin’s theory of evolution is 160 years old. Christianity has been thriving for more than 1700 years. So, evolution denial is a new modification for the religion. Has the church ever been against science before?… Continue reading

At Least Stand By Your Free Speech

Last Saturday morning, 20 people were shot in a Tucson Safeway parking lot by a 22-year-old who stated on YouTube he “won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver.” Fifteen minutes after the news broke, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin tweeted, “The price of gold today is at $1,368.90 an… Continue reading

Satire is Very Serious

People understand comedy like they understand electricity. They utilize it, enjoy it, know it comes from somewhere ”” but fundamentally don’t know much about it. And judging by the reaction to The Daily Show host Jon Stewart’s championing the Zadroga 9/11 responders bill to a successful passage during the lame duck session ”” most of… Continue reading